Breech Babies
Acupuncture and moxibustion can be used to help turn a breech baby.
This involves needling certain points and/or burning moxa (a chinese herb) over an acupuncture point on the small toe for 20 minutes a day for 10 consecutive days.
This protocol can either be done entirely at the practice or as a combination visits to the practice plus home treatment. In cases where home treatment is desired, we supply smokeless moxa sticks and demonstrate the home treatment method. We ask you to check in with the practice at about day 5 to assess progress.
The optimum time to begin treatment is at 34 weeks, but the process can be effective as late as 38/39 weeks. Please check with your midwife to make sure she is happy with you receiving acupuncture/moxibustion support for this condition.
The protocol works well when the baby has enough space to move and is either in a full breech or a footling breech position. The moxa treatment encourages the baby to turn by tonifying the mother’s qi. It does not force a breech baby to turn and it does not create anxiety for the baby.
We do not use moxa and/or acupuncture to try to turn breech babies in the case of:
Previous c-sections because of a breech baby
Rheus negative
Bleeding during pregnancy
Raised blood pressure
Placenta previa
Initial consultation, treatment, instruction and moxa sticks, 90 euros
Follow up sessions, 70 euros