

One of the most famous Classics of Chinese Medicine the Huangdi Nei Jing, often translated as The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Medicine, begins with a question from the wise Yellow Emperor to his chief physician. 

Breech Babies

Breech Babies

Acupuncture and moxibustion can be used to help turn a breech baby.  This involves needling certain points and/or burning moxa (a chinese herb) over an acupuncture point on the small toe for 20 minutes a day for 10 consecutive days.



Our digestion can become disturbed for a variety of reasons. The food we eat, the efficiency of our digestive systems and the impact of seemingly unrelated things like the weather or our emotions (especially anger, stress and fatigue) can all play a role in how well our food is digested.



For thousands of years Traditional Chinese Medicine has been used to promote fertility. Simple prescriptions can tonify the blood and qi in a woman’s body making her body stronger and more fertile in preparation for pregnancy.

IVF Support

IVF Support

For couples undergoing fertility treatment, acupuncture can support the IVF process while keeping you connected to yourself and helping to soothe the inevitable physical and emotional issues that surface during this period.



One way to understand what is happening during the menstrual cycle is to track the basal body temperature over a number of cycles.This tells us when ovulation is most likely to have occurred and will also give indications on why it might not have happened.



Pain can be caused by damage to a tissue from injury, overuse or incorrect use. It can be acute or chronic, locked in a joint or localized in a tendon, or even moving, in a seemingly random fashion, across a limb or the body as a whole.

Post Partum

Post Partum

Traditionally, new Chinese mums were expected to rest in the house for between 30 and 100 days doing nothing other than allowing themselves to be looked after. Pregnancy and childbirth were understood to be exhausting and women were given time to recover their strength before engaging in normal life again. In the world today, this is a rare luxury.



During pregnancy, acupuncture can be used as required to address a wide range of concerns from indigestion, nausea and vomiting to aches and pains. Acupuncture can also be used as a routine treatment to prepare the body for delivery and to help turn a breech baby.

Stress, Chronic Fatigue and Burnout

Stress, Chronic Fatigue and Burnout

In Traditional Chinese Medicine health can be defined as the perfect balance of yin and yang in the body: organs work well, the mind and emotions are stable and people are able to live harmoniously with themselves, their family and community.